A long, long time ago, there was a wealthy, generous merchant. Due to his generosity, he is known by his nickname Anāthapiṇḍika – as literally "one who gives alms (piṇḍa) to the unprotected (anātha)". One day, he visits his brother-in-law, who lived in Rājagṛiha. During this trip, he meets Śākyamuni, the historical Buddha (c. 5th to 4th century BCE). After reflecting and practicing the teachings given by Śākyamuni, the merchant discovers a deeper understanding of life. He thinks to himself: It would be beneficial for the people of my land if Śākyamuni could come and teach them. He invites Śākyamuni to his hometown called Śrāvastī. Śākyamuni gladly accepts the invitation.
Upon his return back to his hometown, the merchant begins the preparation for Śākyamuni’s stay in Śrāvastī. Being seṭṭhi or a ‘wealthy person’, he proposes to buy a piece of forest land from a prince named Jeta, the son of King Prasenajit of Kosala kingdom. Not interested in selling the land, Jeta sets an exuberant price for the land. Honouring Jeta’s wish, and spending one third of his wealth, Anāthapiṇḍika gives the amount. Witnessing Anāthapiṇḍika’s generosity first hand, Prince Jeta also collaborates with Anāthapiṇḍika, constructing a hermitage for Śākyamuni. Upon its completion, the two, along with the people of Śrāvastī, welcome Śākyamuni. Finally, Śākyamuni arrives at the hermitage and begins guiding the body, speech, and minds of the people of Śrāvastī. As Anāthapiṇḍika initially imagined, he and Prince Jeta, along with the people of Śrāvastī benefited from the presence of the Buddha and his wisdom.
This hermitage is where Śākyamuni gave numerous discourses, spending the longest part of his adult life there – 24 years in total. Situated within the hermitage complex, we still find today a special cottage named Mulagandha Kuti, or Scent Cottage, where Buddha lived. Even though Śākyamuni traveled to all kinds of places that he was invited to, he always returned back to Anāthapiṇḍika’s hermitage in the monsoon season every year, spending a total of 24 years there. In the ancient Buddhist scriptures, the hermitage is referred to as "Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery in Jeta's Forest" to give recognition to both benefactors. The place is located in Uttar Pradesh, a state in Northern India, and still known as Jetavan or Jeta grove.